SOC602 – The War on Drugs (Guest Edition)


Drugs. Alotta us do them and alotta us are scared of them! There are a ton of topics to cover within the world of sociology, and we have yet to talk about how the discipline discusses drugs, as well as the pivotal event, the War on Drugs. So, tune in to listen to our conversation with Dr. Kevin Revier, where we chat about his research on the social impact of the War on Drugs, perceptions of drugs, drug addiction, and more!


Cannabis, crack, drugs, illegal, marijuana, narcotics, nixon, opioid, sociological, sociology


  1. Check out Dr. Kevin Revier’s webpage at Arcadia University.
  2. Without Drug Court, You’ll End Up in Prison or Dead” a qualitative/participant observation study by Kevin.
  3. The ‘worst of the worst‘: punitive justice frames in criminal sentencing clips on YouTube.
  4. Another one by Kevin is… Figuring Things Out: Contemplating Drug Addiction and Disclosure In and Out of the Field.
  5. White jail incarceration rates are on the rise, and fast, according to the Vera Institute.
  6. Here is information about current drug policy and today’s fentanyl crisis.
  7. Here’s Ingrid Walker’s High, which discusses drugs and desire, as drugs make people feel good, too.
  8. Another classic book to check out that Kevin mentioned is Howard Becker’s Outsiders.
  9. Omar mentioned a Netflix documentary on the science of psychedelics by Michael Pollan, but here’s the book instead!
  10. Professor Carl Hart is a heroin-using Professor changing the way we think about drugs.
  11. The New Jim Crow and one of it’s most famous critiques.
  12. Ellen also recommends this book by Bruce Jacobs, Dealing Crack, if you’re interested in the processes of drug dealing.
  13. Would you eat a 3D food printed steak???